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change often 意味

"change often"の例文


  • 変わりやすい、移ろいやすい
  • change     1change n. (1) 変化, 変更, 変動, 変遷; 乗り換え; 着替え; 転地. 【動詞+】 Momentous changes have
  • often     often adv. しばしば, たびたび. 【副詞】 often enough かなりひんぱんに every so often
  • change one's mind often    コロコロ言うことを変える
  • often change one's address    転々{てんてん}と住所{じゅうしょ}を変える
  • often change one's occupation    転々と職を変える
  • as often as    ~するたびごとに、~度も
  • as often as not    しばしば、たいてい As often as not, it rains during the games. しばしば、ゲームの途中で雨が降る。
  • not often     nót óften めったに…ない(seldom)(?◇[語法](3) ).
  • often     often adv. しばしば, たびたび. 【副詞】 often enough かなりひんぱんに every so often ときどき, ときおり How often do you come here? こちらにはどれくらい頻繁にいらっしゃいますか You can find me in my office more often than
  • often as not    
  • change prime ministers more often than other countries    (主語)では諸外国{しょがいこく}に比べ頻繁に首相交代{しゅしょう こうたい}がある
  • often and often    幾度も幾度も
  • (how) often    (how) often 幾度 いくど いくたび
  • as is often the case    よくあることだが、大抵{たいてい}の場合{ばあい}
  • as is often the case with    ~の場合にはよくあることだが、~がよくそうなのだが、~によくある事例だが、~によく見られることであるが As is often the case with victims, she doesn't want to tell the police. 被害者にはよくあることだが、彼女は警察に届けたくないと思っている。


  • decisive action or proposition of this change often created a disturbance of the domain duties , contributing to the internal squabbles (over headship rights ) in a daimyo family .
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